Piling On The Hate: Stop Fighting Unbundling

Home > Piling On The Hate: Stop Fighting Unbundling
Perhaps the most concerning quote in all the copy devoted to cable channels dumping on Verizon for trying to do something everyone in the country wants was this one from a 65-year-old retired electronics salesman, who told the “WSJ:” “I’ve been paying for ESPN for 30 years and never watch it.” Really? My head would not have snapped back if he had said Nickelodeon or Home Shopping Network or even Food Network, but ESPN? As in no college football? No “Monday Night Football?” No Little League baseball playoffs? No “Around the Horn!!” I think that is grounds for excommunication from the “Mystic Knights of The Male Persuasion.” Leave it to the “Journal” to track down the singular exception to the rule.

The original post is at MediaPost | Online Media Daily


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