How IAB Tech Lab aims to calm concerns around Google’s Privacy Sandbox 

Home > Marketing > How IAB Tech Lab aims to calm concerns around Google’s Privacy Sandbox 

Marketers are on the precipice of a new dawn as the biggest company in media prepares to pull the plug on third-party cookies, the cornerstone of the $600 billion online media business, in Google Chrome.  

While this is not exactly “news” and just about every company in the sector has spent the last four years trumpeting their diligent preparations, there’s a widespread (if muted) unease over levels of preparedness ahead of the official year-end 2024 deadline.   

With Privacy Sandbox, it’s entirely unclear who your counterparty is

Speaking with Digiday ahead of the IAB’s flagship Annual Leadership Meeting this week, Anthony Katsur, CEO of IAB Tech Lab, explained how the standards body intends to steward the sector through the trepidus year ahead.

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