Digiday’s definitive, if not exhaustive, 2024 Google Chrome third-party cookie deprecation glossary

Home > Marketing > Digiday’s definitive, if not exhaustive, 2024 Google Chrome third-party cookie deprecation glossary

Adios, third-party cookies. As Chrome kicks them to the curb, let’s untangle the web of jargon that’s left behind. This glossary is your quick, no-frills guide to the biggest shake-up in online advertising. Let’s dive in. 

Authenticated IDs: When you log into a site using an email address, you’re essentially verifying your identity (like showing your ID at a club entrance). The website then uses this verified information to create a profile that advertisers can target. The key here is consent. You choose to log in and share certain information, unlike third-party cookies, which often work in the background without explicit consent. But like any technology handling personal data, they tread a fine line between utility and privacy.

Browser fingerprinting: This takes a snapshot of your browser’s quirks — screen size, fonts, software versions — and uses this unique combo to ID your online moves. Unlike cookies, this method doesn’t leave crumbs. It’s stealthier, tracking you by the unique blend of your browser’s traits, not who you are.

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