Amid digital marketing changes, Ibotta turns to brand-building efforts

Home > Marketing > Amid digital marketing changes, Ibotta turns to brand-building efforts

It’s only getting harder to stand out in the digital marketplace. So cash-back reward company Ibotta is turning to in-person activations to better capture shopper attention.

Between Google’s phase-out of the third-party cookie and the saturation of advertisers in the digital landscape, performance marketers are grappling with changes in the space. For many marketers, like Ibotta, it’s meant retooling their marketing mix to focus more on brand-building channels as opposed to squarely focusing on performance marketing.

“The landscape’s getting tougher; it’s tougher to reach people,” said Richard Donahue, CMO at Ibotta. “We realized that it’s just, we need to expand the reach of the brand, expand the impact that we’re having.”

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