Should retailers rent, buy or build their retail media network (RMN)?

Home > Adtech > Should retailers rent, buy or build their retail media network (RMN)?

Every few years, certain topics, trends and themes dominate the programmatic advertising industry. For the past couple of years, the dominant theme has been retail media.

But despite some trends that were simply full of hype and no substance, like blockchain in AdTech, the enthusiasm surrounding retail media is backed by some very promising opportunities that are already being realized.

To sum up the various opportunities in retail media and the options retailers have when building a retail media network, our CEO, Piotr Banaszczyk, contributed to ExchangeWire’s Industry Review 2024.

Click here or on the image below to gain instant access to Piotr’s piece on retail media or visit ExchangeWire to download the full report.

The post Should retailers rent, buy or build their retail media network (RMN)? appeared first on Clearcode.

The original post is at AdTech Archives – Clearcode

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