Local Strategies: How Better Online Reputation Drives Revenue via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

Home > Digital strategy > Local Strategies: How Better Online Reputation Drives Revenue via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

Join us as we look at how your online reputation and local marketing strategies can drive revenue for your business, while avoiding pitfalls along the way. With guest Raj Nijjer of Edge, we’ll dive into the revenue impacts that your online reputation can have, and why this reputation building should be crucial in your planning. Join your host Loren Baker, as he and Raj discuss how to avoid wasteful strategies of local marketing and multi-location businesses, plus a couple tips on how a good reputation can help attract and retain top talent. [01:14] – Raj’s Background and Journey to Edge. […]

The post Local Strategies: How Better Online Reputation Drives Revenue appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

The original post is at Digital Marketing & Advertising

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