‘It’s in Google’s best interest’: Sources urge more formal Privacy Sandbox legal terms

Home > Marketing > ‘It’s in Google’s best interest’: Sources urge more formal Privacy Sandbox legal terms

A May outage involving the Google Privacy Sandbox APIs put the stark realities of Google Chrome, the world’s most popular web browser, deprecating support for third-party cookies into focus for many in ad tech. 

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While Google’s engineering team was quick to make the requisite repairs and little-to-no data was lost as a result of the outage, according to sources, ad tech companies, advertisers and publishers alike all got a glimpse into the future.  

In particular, it underlined how many face a level of dependency on Google that has created a widespread sense of unease, with separate sources pointing to the myriad issues they have with Google’s existing terms of service required to participate in the Privacy Sandbox. 

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