How Twitch CMO Rachel Delphin works to woo livestream creators in a fragmented digital marketplace

Home > Marketing > How Twitch CMO Rachel Delphin works to woo livestream creators in a fragmented digital marketplace

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In the midst of a booming creator economy, where U.S. marketers are expected to shell out $7.14 billion on influencer marketing by the end of this year, according to Goldman Sachs Research, livestreaming platform Twitch is making a play for creator and advertiser attention, competing against other big tech platforms.

Last year, the company was reported to have lost its way with the streaming community, which could be seen as its most valuable asset. At the same time, culture is changing, becoming more fragmented in a way where fewer monocultural moments exist. All said, it’s harder than ever to keep people’s attention, said Rachel Delphin, CMO at Twitch.

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