How Adidas’ avatar launch signals the brand’s continued confidence in Web3

Home > Marketing > How Adidas’ avatar launch signals the brand’s continued confidence in Web3

Two years into its Web3 roadmap, Adidas is on the cusp of launching its first avatar product. It’s a signal that the company is still full steam ahead on the metaverse — and the use of blockchain tech to build it.

The avatars, part of Adidas’ “ALTS” storyline, which ties the company’s non-fungible token products into a central narrative, are slated to be released after the third “chapter” of the storyline, which will kick off as early as next month, according to a post by the official ALTS Twitter account. 

Roughly 20,000 Adidas NFT holders will each receive a unique avatar and profile picture, which the ALTS website describes as “a virtual identity you can represent and flex to your friends across different social platforms. What one’s virtual identity looks like is determined by one’s interaction with the brand through a variety of different narrative chapters.”

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