Georgia-Pacific’s in-house media unit is doubling down on audio streaming

Home > Marketing > Georgia-Pacific’s in-house media unit is doubling down on audio streaming

When advertisers shift their media operations in-house, they usually do so with transparency and budget-slimming in mind. There’s not often much room left over for experimentation.

That doesn’t have to be the case, though. U.S. paper company Georgia-Pacific, which manages its entire digital media budget in-house, is increasing its ad spending in streaming audio platforms, according to Javier Bustillos, senior director of integrated marketing. 

Georgia-Pacific is set to  “double or triple” its investment in Spotify and Pandora over the next three years, Bustillos told Digiday. At the same time, he estimates that its eight-person in-house media team, which manages an annual digital media investment of $30-$50 million across its entire portfolio, had increased media cost efficiencies by 25% compared with its previous agency arrangement — a result stemming, he said, from a combination of absorbing agency staffing costs, forging direct relationships with DSPs and cutting the number of adtech vendors it deals with.

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