Why Fortnite and Roblox still rely on social to drive discovery and engagement of branded experiences

Home > Marketing > Why Fortnite and Roblox still rely on social to drive discovery and engagement of branded experiences

Fortnite and Roblox are thriving by riding the coattails of the very social platforms they aim to dethrone.

Brands’ presence is rising inside video games, but actually getting users to spend time inside in-game branded experiences remains a consistent challenge. Simply building a branded world and letting it molder on the platform is not a successful strategy, and some creators have complained that Fortnite’s built-in discovery tool is ineffective at bringing new traffic to user-created maps.

Instead, marketers are leaning on the tried-and-true channel that is social media to make their gaming activations worth the squeeze. They’ve found that it is necessary to stand up social campaigns parallel to the launch of branded Fortnite or Roblox worlds if they want gamers to get involved at scale. 

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