Sifting through ‘the noise’: AI tools for HR are evolving fast – here’s how to catch up

Home > Marketing > Sifting through ‘the noise’: AI tools for HR are evolving fast – here’s how to catch up

This article was first published by Digiday sibling WorkLife and is part of a series that looks at specific ways HR professionals can leverage generative AI. More from the series →

Every day new tech vendors are popping up in HR professionals’ inboxes, touting how their newest generative AI tools can help them overcome workplace challenges.

It’s a lot to keep up with. And like with all emerging tech, sorting the useful from the useless, is critical and time-consuming. While there is plenty of excitement at what efficiencies generative AI can bring to workforces, if implemented poorly it could just exacerbate existing tech challenges for HR, like app sprawl and fragmentation. 

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