Marketing Briefing: Why marketers should pay attention to SXSW’s embrace of creators

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On Saturday, amid cozy velvet couches and a large taxidermied cheetah behind the bar at the Austin, Texas speakeasy Powder Room, some 50 or so creators and brand marketers gathered for a mixer hosted by YouTube. There was some deliberate networking — or “forced fun” to use a term that popped up at Vox’s Sunday night event to spotlight its podcast talent — where marketers and creators were asked to make cocktails (one with milk infused with Skittles and two kinds of rum), personalize cowboy hats and, presumably, swap info. for future brand deals.

Four creators told Digiday that the advertising and entertainment industries are starting to catch up to culture — including SXSW’s embrace of the creator community this year. For the second year, SXSW has a dedicated track for the creator economy; this year there are 73 sessions for the track. SXSW kicked off on Friday and will run through March 15th.

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