DTC company Shapermint’s AI influencer engine highlights how marketers are actually using the tech

Home > Marketing > DTC company Shapermint’s AI influencer engine highlights how marketers are actually using the tech

We’re 20 months into the AI marketing revolution, and CMOs are more focused on scale and efficiency than on creating animated footage from whole cloth.

Consider the example of Shapermint, a direct-to-consumer fashion brand that has used generative AI to scale up its influencer program. The company’s in-house team developed an agent (dubbed “Altair,” after the star) that can generate scripts and storyboards for TikTok and Instagram Reels that are then distributed to influencers.

Though Massimiliano Tirocchi, CMO of Shapermint’s Uruguayan parent company Trafilea, has grand ambitions — he wants “to power our entire creative process” with AI — Altair is being used for everyday work that would previously have been done by the firm’s in-house marketing team. Nine months after launching the tool, it’s helped his team cut production time on influencer creative by around 70%, he said.

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