Advertisers don’t seem too tempted by Meta putting ads on Threads

Home > Marketing > Advertisers don’t seem too tempted by Meta putting ads on Threads

Meta has publicly affirmed what it previously communicated to select advertisers: ads are on the way for Threads. The reception has been tepid, to say the least.

Sure there’s interest in the platform, just as there is for any new app in the market — advertisers are always looking to either fill the role of first-adopters, or find new places to reach their target audiences. But that interest is tempered by the fact that advertisers still don’t really know why they should be on the app in the first place. 

As Colleen Fielder, group vp of social and partner of marketing solutions at Basis Technologies pointed out, “I think there’s definitely interest in Threads, but in general many advertisers are still waiting in the wings to see how the platform develops, even just organically.” 

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